Thursday, July 30, 2009

missing The Wife

she's having semester break now. she went back to penang... it's been 6 days already. another 3 long days before she comes back... =(

the last time this happened, i wrote a song about it. it's in a minor key, very sad one. this is how it goes:

It's only a week
A week's not too long
To be lost and alone,
Heart tattered and torn
It's only a week
A week's not too long
To love you and miss you
And sing you this song:

A week, just a week
How my heart longs to seek
For the whole* that makes
Our oneness complete
A week, just a week
With desire i am weak
For the time when we
Again shall meet.

It's only a week
A week's not too long
I've been counting the days
With heart so forlorn
It's only a week
A week's not too long
Until i can hold you
And sing you this song:

A week, such a week
Now my hand, touch your cheek
And we're whole, for He makes
Our oneness complete
A week, such a week
But it's done, we can speak
Face-to-face once again
Praise the Lord as we meet.

*This is a reference to the idea that marriage consists of two whole
people whom God joins together to become one flesh. =)

Apart from pining away for The Wife, here are some upcoming events that you can pray for together with me:
- BK Oral Quiz, 1 Aug (this saturday!)
- ZMax Camp 2010 planning meeting, 3 Aug (monday)
- SUSOM 2010 planning meeting, 4 Aug (tuesday)
- Preaching at Bethel Baptist Church, 16 Aug (sunday)
- d'Na 2009 planning meeting, 17 Aug (monday)
- Speaking at Sri Garden SCF, 21 Aug (friday)
- School of Evangelism, Melaka, 24-26 Aug (monday-wednesday)

Thanks for reading, commenting, and praying. God bless! =)


Daniel Ting said...

hey... sieh jin...
i see that u are going for the planning meeting for SUSOM.
can u let me know the details?
i'm interested in joining...
if it doesn't clash with my SPM...

siehjin said...

hey man =)

SUSOM is for school-leavers... will probably run for a month, mid-January to mid-February 2010 (ending before CNY).

but u got NS right? well, if it doesn't vlash with this, then come! =)

akmj said...

wow. you two are REALLY attached. really CLEAVED.

Liz said...

Awwwwwww. That's soo like, super duper sweeeeet XD
God bless the both of you ! I sincerely think you guys are perfect for each other !! :)

kit kit said...

awwwwwwwwwww.........extremely and chen may are like so gud for each other....cant help but smile when see you two

Timothy K. said...

to complete the hat-trick.... awwwwww

K.P. Fern said...

awwwwwwwwww.......(for the 4th time)when are u releasing that song?? i would buy it...

siehjin said...

@akmj: haha. or at least, that's the impression we give la. but ya, i guess it's true, most of the time =P

@lisa, clem, tim, hannah: thanks for the 'awwwww's... they are awwwwwwesome (pun intended), lol! =)

Cxtreme said...

haha sieh jin..

next step...get a camera...record urself..put it on youtube...haha

can i copy the song :p hahaha


siehjin said...

@kelvin: hullo! =) doubt i'll do recording and all la =P

you want to copy the lyrics? sure, go ahead. =)

BuffaFly said...

after you have kids, you don't seem to miss the spouse so much because the kids keep you busy. no time to write songs.

siehjin said...

@buffafly: haha, thanks for the heads-up! good thing i did it while i had the time then. =)

BuffaFly said...

you gotta relax... don't try too hard ya. We also learned thru experience that making a baby isn't all that simple. After 8 months of trying, we ditched the thermometer, basal body temp graphs, calendars etc and went on a holiday..... and Joseph was made in Melbourne! Then we conceived 2nd baby after 4 months of trying and miscarried after 9weeks. We had Joy-Anne when we didn't try. So just wait for God's perfect timing!