Tuesday, February 8, 2011

trying to capture the uncapturable

The Wife and i have been spending some time, once in a while, viewing pictures and videos from our trip to NZ last year. it's great fun, remembering the good times and re-living the exhilaration of those moments.

but really, when it comes to reproducing the sheer beauty, majesty, and splendour of the things we saw there - our pics and vids fall so far short. words are even worse - unwieldy things with vague meanings and connotations! it's almost impossible for verbal descriptions to evoke the sense of awe and wonder that we had when we experienced it firsthand.

and yet, those natural wonders are but a glimpse of the Beauty, Majesty, and Splendour of God. Indeed, He is Truly Awesome. and i'd run out of superlatives if i tried to describe Him some more here, so i'll stop. but i hope that we'll all think about it, and be reminded of Him every time we experience some of the goodness, pleasure, and beauty that He has infused our world with. =)

p.s. oops, i've neglected the blog for two whole months! so much for the resurrection... *blushes*

p.p.s. i just got back from a delightful CNY Break with The Wife and The In-Laws in Penang. to the few who are still reading my blog, and who happen to be chinese, hope you had a blessed Chinese New Year too! =)

p.p.p.s. oh no, my Biblical Theology Assignment is due this month! *tears hair out* pray with me, that i'll be able to do it well and finish it in time! =P


Liz said...

Happy CNY ! And all the best for your Biblical Theology assignment ! Ahaha, try not to attempt a miracle and do last minute kay? xD

akmj said...

quick quick! start NOW!!!!!!