Wednesday, September 24, 2008

kuala terengganu and upcoming camp

the trip to kuala terengganu was good and fruitful. people there were very friendly and hospitable. strangely, i had pork at every meal... it's like they were trying to make a point, "terengganu may be considered one of the most islamic states but we can still eat pork!!!" =P

the reason i was invited to KT is basically because i have a friend, a doctor who was posted there for his housemanship... he's the one that made the connection to me when the priest (it's an anglican church) said he wanted a young person in full-time ministry. so it was great to reconnect with this friend...

my preaching on friday morning went well, i got some encouraging feedback, as well as constructive suggestions... i do believe i'm improving, slowly but surely... thank you for praying for me =) i also had a good time sharing with the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu students... didn't really have enough time to impart all that i had planned, but i trust they gained something anyway...

there's a sense of isolation and abandonment in some of the christians over there... both my friend and the priest of the church mentioned that all the events, camps, seminars and etc were accessible to those on the west coast, but they on the east coast are always left out. if we can work something out, i may be doing more east coast work next year...

on the bus back to KL, i met this guy named Kashfullah... he's a PAS member and a really devout muslim. he could quote the Quran in Arabic and asked me if i knew Hebrew! malu man. we had a good discussion about some of the similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity. he has 3 bibles: an NKJV, an NIV, and a Bahasa Indonesia one. so... i pray that he will continue to read the bible, and the God will enlighten him and help him to see the truth... for aren't we all seekers of truth?

i'll be in camerons 28-30 september, speaking at UTAR Kampar's CF camp... i have 4 sessions to prepare for that. i have a rough idea of what i want to share, but still need time to organize and polish it... please pray for me.

thanks and God bless! =)


RuYen said...

Wow...everytime i read your blog is about camps...hehe...God bless you^^

p/s: send my regards to sis Chen May...miss her =)

siehjin said...

hey ru yen... ya la, crazy busy man... that's y i need my readers to pray for me... heheh. thanks for reading ya =)