song composed for Kiew Chao Zhen =)
Verse 1:
Your joyful smile
no guilt, no guile
as you discover
this world of wonder
You've learnt to stand
to use your hands
to crawl and creep;
soon, run and leap
and i pray that as you grow
each passing day, you'll come to know
Chorus 1:
That you are loved, you are dear
you are precious, without peer
you are worth, much more than gold
far beyond things bought or sold
yes, you are loved!
Verse 2:
soon, words you'll wield
i hope they'll yield
to you great pleasure
tomes full of treasure
there's this one Book
i hope you'll look
beyond the words
to find the Word
and i pray that as you grow
each passing day, you'll come to know
Chorus 2:
that you are loved, you are dear
He braved the Cross to draw you near
your are worth, much more than gold
He shed His blood, a price untold
yes, you are loved!
you'll face bouts of storms and rain
walls of doubt, fear, and pain
but if you're His, and He's yours too
in all of this, He'll see you through
Repeat Chorus 1, beginning with 'for' instead of 'that'
Repeat Chorus 2, beginning with 'yes' instead of 'that'
Friday, August 9, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
titik hitam dalam sejarah negaraku: adakah ia akan berulang?
salam sejahtera kepada semua.
hari ini adalah 13 Mei 2013. tarikh tersebut mengingati semua warganegara malaysia tentang satu titik hitam dalam sejarah negara kita, iaitu rusuhan 13 Mei 1969. =(
kebelakangan ini, dalam beberapa perbualan online, saya mendapati bahawa ada segelintir orang yang cenderung membangkit-bangkitkan 13 Mei sebagai sesuatu yang menakutkan. lazimnya, orang yang sedemikian mengutarakan pendapat-pendapat berikut:
1. orang cina dan DAP adalah dalang di belakang tragedi 13 Mei.
2. sekiranya rakyat Malaysia yang berketurunan cina terus menyokong pihak pembangkang dan tidak mengembalikan sokongan mereka kepada BN dan MCA, maka ada risiko bahawa tragedi 13 Mei akan berulang sekali lagi.
adakah ini benar?
saya amat menghormati Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai Bapa Kemerdekaan kita. dengarlah suara beliau, menjelaskan tentang peristiwa hitam 13 mei 1969 dalam video ini:
beliau berkata bahawa rusuhan tersebut telah digunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu dalam UMNO untuk menjatuhkan beliau!
dari, beliau berkata bahawa beliau enggan memberikan permit polis bagi pihak pembangkang membuat perarakan mereka, kerana beliau mengetahui bahawa 'racial tension' pada masa itu amat tinggi dan perarakan sedemikian berpotensi mencetuskan perusuhan. namun, Tun Razak telah mengizinkan permit tersebut tanpa pengetahuan beliau!
tambahan lagi, lihatlah apa yang ditulis oleh Dr. Mahathir dalam suratnya kepada Tunku pada 17 Jun 1969. surat tersebut dapat dibaca di sini:
daripada surat tersebut, jelas sekali bahawa Dr. Mahathir menyalahkan Tunku dan berpendapat bahawa polisi dan keputusan-keputusan Tunku telah mencetuskan rusuhan Mei 1969.
semua ini bukannya bertujuan berkata bahawa orang cina dan DAP tidak bersalah. memang ada di kalangan mereka pada masa itu yang berfikiran rasis. mereka telah meraikan kemenangan mereka dalam cara yang tidak dapat diterima, bukan sahaja oleh orang melayu, tetapi juga tidak dapat diterima oleh saya sebagai seorang anak bangsa malaysia.
namun demikian, jelas sekali bahawa apa yang telah berlaku jauh lebih kompleks daripada "semuanya salah cina dan DAP". terdapat juga politik dalaman UMNO yang perlu diambil kira. dalam perkara ini, mungkin semua pihak juga memikul sebahagian daripada kesalahannya.
tambahan lagi, DAP pada hari ini tidak sama dengan DAP pada zaman itu. saya sendiri bukan ahli mana-mana parti politik, tetapi saya ada ramai sahabat karib dalam DAP (dua contoh: Edward Ling dan James Yeang). mereka tidak bertujuan mengambil alih kuasa dari orang melayu. mereka akur dengan kedudukan khas dan hak-hak istimewa orang melayu. mereka cuma ingin membetulkan masalah ketidakcekapan, korupsi, dan ketamakan dalam pemerintahan malaysia yang menyebabkan negara kita ini mengalami hutang yang semakin meningkat dan menghadapi bahaya menjadi negara yang muflis sebelum 2019! (tak percaya? lihatlah
terima kasih kerana membaca 'status update' saya yang terlalu panjang ini sehingga takat ini. kalau ada apa-apa yang telah saya katakan yang tersilap atau salah, maafkanlah saya. marilah kita bawa berbincang; marilah kita sama-sama mencari kebenaran.
hari ini adalah 13 Mei 2013. tarikh tersebut mengingati semua warganegara malaysia tentang satu titik hitam dalam sejarah negara kita, iaitu rusuhan 13 Mei 1969. =(
kebelakangan ini, dalam beberapa perbualan online, saya mendapati bahawa ada segelintir orang yang cenderung membangkit-bangkitkan 13 Mei sebagai sesuatu yang menakutkan. lazimnya, orang yang sedemikian mengutarakan pendapat-pendapat berikut:
1. orang cina dan DAP adalah dalang di belakang tragedi 13 Mei.
2. sekiranya rakyat Malaysia yang berketurunan cina terus menyokong pihak pembangkang dan tidak mengembalikan sokongan mereka kepada BN dan MCA, maka ada risiko bahawa tragedi 13 Mei akan berulang sekali lagi.
adakah ini benar?
saya amat menghormati Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai Bapa Kemerdekaan kita. dengarlah suara beliau, menjelaskan tentang peristiwa hitam 13 mei 1969 dalam video ini:
beliau berkata bahawa rusuhan tersebut telah digunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu dalam UMNO untuk menjatuhkan beliau!
dari, beliau berkata bahawa beliau enggan memberikan permit polis bagi pihak pembangkang membuat perarakan mereka, kerana beliau mengetahui bahawa 'racial tension' pada masa itu amat tinggi dan perarakan sedemikian berpotensi mencetuskan perusuhan. namun, Tun Razak telah mengizinkan permit tersebut tanpa pengetahuan beliau!
tambahan lagi, lihatlah apa yang ditulis oleh Dr. Mahathir dalam suratnya kepada Tunku pada 17 Jun 1969. surat tersebut dapat dibaca di sini:
daripada surat tersebut, jelas sekali bahawa Dr. Mahathir menyalahkan Tunku dan berpendapat bahawa polisi dan keputusan-keputusan Tunku telah mencetuskan rusuhan Mei 1969.
semua ini bukannya bertujuan berkata bahawa orang cina dan DAP tidak bersalah. memang ada di kalangan mereka pada masa itu yang berfikiran rasis. mereka telah meraikan kemenangan mereka dalam cara yang tidak dapat diterima, bukan sahaja oleh orang melayu, tetapi juga tidak dapat diterima oleh saya sebagai seorang anak bangsa malaysia.
namun demikian, jelas sekali bahawa apa yang telah berlaku jauh lebih kompleks daripada "semuanya salah cina dan DAP". terdapat juga politik dalaman UMNO yang perlu diambil kira. dalam perkara ini, mungkin semua pihak juga memikul sebahagian daripada kesalahannya.
tambahan lagi, DAP pada hari ini tidak sama dengan DAP pada zaman itu. saya sendiri bukan ahli mana-mana parti politik, tetapi saya ada ramai sahabat karib dalam DAP (dua contoh: Edward Ling dan James Yeang). mereka tidak bertujuan mengambil alih kuasa dari orang melayu. mereka akur dengan kedudukan khas dan hak-hak istimewa orang melayu. mereka cuma ingin membetulkan masalah ketidakcekapan, korupsi, dan ketamakan dalam pemerintahan malaysia yang menyebabkan negara kita ini mengalami hutang yang semakin meningkat dan menghadapi bahaya menjadi negara yang muflis sebelum 2019! (tak percaya? lihatlah
terima kasih kerana membaca 'status update' saya yang terlalu panjang ini sehingga takat ini. kalau ada apa-apa yang telah saya katakan yang tersilap atau salah, maafkanlah saya. marilah kita bawa berbincang; marilah kita sama-sama mencari kebenaran.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Milk Chant
Are you hungry? Your cries I heed!
If you're hungry then it's milk you'll need!
Are you hungry? Oh, yes, indeed!
If you're hungry then I'll give you a feed!
Take out the bottle and place it upright!
Open the thermos, screwed so tight!
Mix water hot and cold, yes that's right
So the temperature will be just right!
Now add in the powder, don't be rough!
One scoops, two scoops, just enough!
Screw on the teat, but not too tough!
Shake it and stir it, that's the stuff!
Now the milk is ready, to the cot we go!
Pick you up and put you down, don't start crying, no!
Put the hanky at your chin, tuck it there just so!
Open up, cause here it comes, the milk is here, yo-ho!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
My Precious Son
Verse 1:
My boy, i see you now
so cute and cuddly, lying there
my heart just exclaims, "wow!"
at your tiny fingers, your bright-eyed stare
but i know, things will not stay this way
you will grow, you're changing everyday
and i want to remember
each moment, to treasure
the time spent with you, my precious one
gladly i'll hold you
and feed you and change you
i thank God for you, my precious son.
Verse 2:
my boy, i see you soon
you will grow big and strong and you'll stand on your own
find your voice, sing your own tune
first you'll walk, then you'll run, then this nest you've flown
but for now, that day's still far away
so i'll hold you and kiss you and smile and say:
(to the Chorus!)
and i pray, that you will walk His way
you will love Him and follow Him everyday...
My boy, i see you now
so cute and cuddly, lying there
my heart just exclaims, "wow!"
at your tiny fingers, your bright-eyed stare
but i know, things will not stay this way
you will grow, you're changing everyday
and i want to remember
each moment, to treasure
the time spent with you, my precious one
gladly i'll hold you
and feed you and change you
i thank God for you, my precious son.
Verse 2:
my boy, i see you soon
you will grow big and strong and you'll stand on your own
find your voice, sing your own tune
first you'll walk, then you'll run, then this nest you've flown
but for now, that day's still far away
so i'll hold you and kiss you and smile and say:
(to the Chorus!)
and i pray, that you will walk His way
you will love Him and follow Him everyday...
Monday, September 10, 2012
Welcome to the World! =D
Verse 1:
Welcome to the world
Welcome to existence
We eagerly await your arrival
Into our lives, beloved son
For five years, we have dwelt in love
Enjoyed each others' company
But finally the day draws near
You'll complete our love and joy
So come, come into the world
This miracle of life, God has given to us
Come see, the beauty He has made
Of which you are a part
Even as your lifetime starts
Welcome to the world!
Verse 2:
We pray you'll grow up strong and fine
In body, spirit, soul, and mind
Maturing to fulfill your potential
and be all God intends for you
But most of all we pray
That you will know and love the Lord
Seeking after Truth, as we have named you*
for the Truth will set you free
(go to chorus)
*written for Kiew Chao Zhen, September 2012. our son is due to be born at the end of next month. his name means "towards Truth". =D
Welcome to the world
Welcome to existence
We eagerly await your arrival
Into our lives, beloved son
For five years, we have dwelt in love
Enjoyed each others' company
But finally the day draws near
You'll complete our love and joy
So come, come into the world
This miracle of life, God has given to us
Come see, the beauty He has made
Of which you are a part
Even as your lifetime starts
Welcome to the world!
Verse 2:
We pray you'll grow up strong and fine
In body, spirit, soul, and mind
Maturing to fulfill your potential
and be all God intends for you
But most of all we pray
That you will know and love the Lord
Seeking after Truth, as we have named you*
for the Truth will set you free
(go to chorus)
*written for Kiew Chao Zhen, September 2012. our son is due to be born at the end of next month. his name means "towards Truth". =D
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Psalm 86:2b - Trust
Back to Psalm 86 again... to the second half of the second verse, which says: "You are my God; save Your servant, who trusts in you."
what does it mean to trust? the classic illustration is that of the man pushing a wheelbarrow on a tightrope across the niagra falls. trusting that he can do it isn't just clapping my hands and saying, "yeah, you can do it!". if i really trust that he can do it, i'll get into that wheelbarrow and let him push me across in it.
in other words, trust is more than just intellectual assent or lip service. it is a choice, an internal attitude of the heart that will be shown in external actions. it is having full confidence in God; as David says, "you are my God."
There are some situations in which we can do nothing, and we just have to be still and trust in God. then there are other situations in which we can and should take action, but our trust must be in God and not in our own efforts. He alone is my God who saves me.
so, as we go through today (or tomorrow, if you're reading this at night) let us ask ourselves:
- Do i really trust in God?... think about it, ponder over it, and then make your choice - in whom or what will you place your trust? in your own intellect, wisdom, skills and abilities? in other human beings, who are bound to fail you sooner or later? in wealth and riches, which slip through your fingers like sand? or in God, the Solid Rock of Ages, the Ancient of Days, the Faithful One?
- if i really trusted in God, how would it show in my daily life? ... think about it, ponder over it, and then if you have chosen to trust in God, make the necessary changes. start small - perhaps with a whispered prayer before delving into work tasks, or a pause for self-reflection when you find yourself worried and bothered about household financial issues.
but again, remember, even as we think about it, ponder on it, and try to apply this truth to our lives - our trust mustn't be on our thinking, our pondering, and our efforts! we must keep our focus on God - He is the one in whom we trust. it is only by His grace and with His help that we can grow in trusting Him. may He so lead and guide every person who reads this today. =)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Look at the World!
haven't written a song in a while... but got the creative urge yesterday, and let it brew... what inspired me was this beautiful pic of Lake Matheson in New Zealand, which is now my desktop pic.
so this morning, i wrote this song. it's title is the title of this post. =)

so this morning, i wrote this song. it's title is the title of this post. =)
Verse 1:
Just look at the world all around us
Its beauty enchants and astounds us
Majestic mountain's grandeur
The golden sunset's splendour
How did all this beauty ever come to be?
Could it just have happened, accidentally?
Chorus 1:
Or maybe there's a Master Artist
Who thought up these designs
And gave each of us wondering hearts
To recognise His signs
And maybe all this wondrous beauty's
Meant for us to see
Clues that there's a loving God
Who cares for you and me!
Verse 2:
But look at the world a little closer
It isn't all beauty and wonder
Savage predators devour
Suffering and death every hour
If there's a God, then pain is not an accident
Are we subjects in some cruel experiment?
Chorus 2:
Or maybe we're the ones who've turned
Away His good design
Rebelling with our wandering hearts
Our eyes blind to His signs
And truly, in our proud rebellion
He could have let us be
But on the Cross, the loving God
He died for you and me.
Jesus Christ, both God and Man
Lived and died to show us God's salvation plan
Suffered death upon that cross, so that
We could be forgiven, and so we would know that:
Chorus 3:
Truly there's a Master Artist
Who thought up these designs
And gave each of us wondering hearts
To recognise His signs
And truly, all this wondrous beauty's
Meant for us to see
Clues that there's a loving God
Who cares for you and me:
Though sadly, we're the ones who've turned
Away His good design
Rebelling with our wandering hearts
Our eyes blind to His signs
And truly, in our proud rebellion
He could have let us be
But on the Cross, the loving God
He died for you and me!
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